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My Mantras

As a way of managing my anxiety, I often use mantras to calm my nerves. These are little phrases that I silently repeat to myself when I get overwhelmed. One of my favorites is "Be here now." This one reminds me to be present in the moment and stops my brain from cascading down the rabbit hole of what ifs, worse case scenario or reliving past regret. Get into this moment that is actually happening. The present moment is the only place we actually exist. Another one of my favorite mantras is "Enough." This single word can go in many different directions. "I am enough." "I am doing enough." "What I have is enough." Also, saying the single word to myself tells me "That is enough of that thinking" when my thoughts turn negative.

Lately, I have been using the mantra "Don't complicate." So many times in life I create my own problems by over-complicating the situation or the task at hand. I'm not a black and white person and I have trouble making decisions sometimes because I live in the gray area most of the time. Being able to see both sides and weigh all options is a great quality to have in some situations, but then there are decisions that I need to make without over-thinking and over-complicating. I cause myself to be anxious over silly little decisions. "Don't complicate" reminds me that not all decisions are life-altering. Just grab the toothpaste that you always get and go on with your day. This mantra has also been great at keeping me on track especially with tasks that need to be done that I typically put off. I'm the worst about cleaning the kitchen after dinner especially washing the dishes. "Don't complicate, just get it done." It takes less than five minutes to wash up the dishes that need to be hand-washed, the rest go in the dishwasher. Saves me so much headache and anxiety later after all the dishes have piled up and it takes up more of my day to get the kitchen under control. My husband is a natural at this. He doesn't need the mantra, he just lives his life this way. When he decides he's going to mow the yard, he just does it. If it's me, I ho-hum about the best way to tackle the task, creating a flow chart in my mind and then weigh all the best ways to accomplish. And for some reason, I usually find 5 things to do before I eventually get to the task at hand. "Don't complicate it, get it done."

I've also been using "Let it be" lately. I made the mistake of writing this one up on my whiteboard at work where anyone who comes into my office can see it. Now when I get worked up about issues at work that are out of my control, one of my co-workers simply says "Let it be, Stacie, let it be." Ugh, yes, I know. When a situation is out of my control, I need to allow the situation be whatever it's going to be. Or a mantra that some use "Let go & Let God." Surrender to the Almighty. The ever-present, never-changing life power. The greatest myth that humans believe is that we are in control.

Life is this crazy roller-coaster of emotions, doubts, joy, cycles, phases and seasons. Whatever season I find myself in, I am trying to be in that season. Trusting that the master of the universe is by my side, guiding my path. I'm finding solace in the simple life, reminding myself not to complicate things and refusing negativity. It's an every day growth-process.

Cheers to you, my friend, and the season you find yourself in. What are some of the mantras you use?


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