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Starting is the hardest part. We've talked about this dream, this idea, this opportunity to intertwine our lives even though we are living in two different cities. You may ask why we decided on a blog. There are many blogs and many that are very similar to ours. Similar but not same. This is us, this is ours. Our brains seem to connect in the same ways and we think, "we can't be the only ones that think this way." So, here we are, Peach n Plum embarking on a journey that will lead to new adventures, friendships, and big dreams. But most of all we are going to grow and we're going to grow together. And we're starting today. No grand opening, no streamers and balloons and announcements. Just us, two sisters and our keyboards, fueled by coffee and our burning desire to be a positive presence in the world. We want to exist here and we invite you to exist here as well, just as you are.

Comment, email and connect with us.

Welcome to Peach n Plum! â€‹



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