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The Little Things

My husband and I celebrated twelve years of marriage last Sunday. Twelve years... I honestly can't believe we've been married that long. It definitely doesn't feel like twelve years have passed. To celebrate this momentous occasion, I received.....

wait for it......

a lamp. A lamp. An inexpensive, desk lamp that clips to the headboard on my side of the bed. I love it! It is perfect, and I am over-the-moon excited. I can now read in bed at night without using a headlamp to see. It seems so silly, I know, and I could have very well bought myself a lamp but the fact that he noticed that I needed one, made the effort to pick it up at the store and then had it all set up when I got home speaks volumes. It has to. These are the things in life that matter. Small, seemingly insignificant gestures that speak volumes and carry us through. Would I love a pair of diamond earrings or a bottle of my favorite Dolce and Gabana perfume.... of course I would, I'm only human, but the fact that he noticed (and possibly heard me complaining about needing a light to read) and then delivered means the world to me. This season of our life is crazy, going in all directions and when it seems like there is never enough time for us to be just us, we need these small moments. It could be a small gift like in this case, but it's also the kisses before heading out the door or the hugs in passing in the kitchen while we make supper, get laundry moving and help kids with homework. It's watching each other parent. Those sweet moments when I hear my son reading to his dad or I see my daughter showing him another one of her creations. These are the moments that carry us through this hectic season of life. BUT.... if I'm too stressed and worried about the next big thing or if I'm swept up in society's mentality of I need bigger and better and I need it now, then I miss the little things.

Life is what we make it, so if we're always thinking that what we have now is not enough, then it's never going to be enough no matter how much money we make or stuff we acquire because when it comes down to it, none of that really matters. People matter, relationships matter, the little moments matter. Saying thank you and really meaning it matters. Appreciating small gestures and gifts matter.

As we move into the Holiday season and start to think about gift giving and gift receiving, I hope we all remember that it's the little things that matter. It isn't how much money we spend or if our kids get the newest, hottest toy on the market. It is the time we spend with family; it's standing with our candles lit singing Silent Night; it's curling up on the couch with all the lights out except the Christmas tree. It is all the moments that you might miss if you are rushing around trying to make everything perfect. Stop, breathe, look around. It's already perfect. Our people are perfect, some perfectly a mess but they're our mess. And years from now when look back on our lives, we're not going to remember that our place settings matched perfectly with the table runner which matched the tree skirt. Nah, we'll remember the laughter and the warmth of our family being together. That's what we'll remember.

As with day to day intentional living, I plan on moving into this holiday season with intention. It takes effort. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the stress of making sure everything is perfect, but where does that leave me? Exhausted, cranky and oblivious to the sweet memories that are being made all around me. Is there still a possibility that some of these negative emotions may take over. Yes, of course, I'm not perfect; no one is. The secret is to notice it, stop what I'm doing and come back to the intention of appreciating the small things.

This is my favorite time of year. Here's to enjoying every last minute of it!

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