Remember what you love...
As most of you know we have been doing a lot of work to our house these past months. Our basement is currently the catch all and is housing most of our odds and ends in each of its corners. Well when the heavy rain came down last week, we ended up with water in one of the corners. Better time than never to start the cleaning process.
Through all of my moves in life, I rarely have gotten rid of anything that might have some significance to me. Pictures, books, and cards, and more pictures! Also textbooks from my favorite classes and notes, from classes, I thought I would need in the future. It's hard for me to throw some of those things away. When opening some of those boxes I discovered my old photography binders from my photography classes at Iowa State.
In photography we used 35mm Film Cameras. All black and white prints. It was such a fun class, my teacher Ms Caldwell was free spirited and gave us plenty of freedom to shoot subjects that mattered to us. Seeing my old work was refreshing, and it made me realize I love image/object photography. I love photographing objects and places, and candid photos of people.
I want to apologize to friends who have trusted me to take photos of their families and some important milestones and I didn't deliver well. I wanted the pictures to turn out better than they did and I wanted them to be perfect, but as I upload them into my computer and start noticing things I should have done better. I can't take them back, I can't do redo pictures because everyone's lives are so busy. And I hate the feeling of disappointment. So to the friends whom I have done photos for, I apologize.
After looking through these photos and finding others like it in files buried in my computer. It sparked some inspiration. A much needed spark! It reminded me of something I loved! And now I want to go out and just photograph anything and see the beauty in everything!
Also cheers to not throwing anything away! I also found boxes and boxes of small stuff that I have saved since probably the middle school. It'd be comical to go through and see some of those memories!
Go out and find what sparks inspiration in you...