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Flirt With Life

This life is a gift. Every single day of it. I've spent too long in the darkness of depression and anxiety. Lately I've been telling myself "Flirt with life." This has become my mantra for a full life.

Flower crown

Flirt with your life. Flirt with the space around you, the air that consumes you. Move with grace and intention. Smile at the world. Smile while you're alone. Feel the happiness spread from your lips to your cheeks til it fills your whole face, then your heart and your entire body. Sing. Who cares if you are off-key and a little too loud- sing and dance. Dance your little heart out. Move your body in a way that makes you feel sexy and beautiful. Swivel your hips around and around. Close your eyes and feel it in every inch of your being. Soak in the tub. Let the warmth overtake you. Snuggle your pet. Flirt with nature. Play in the grass- or the snow as it may be for many of you this week. Look and see. Look around you and notice things you have never noticed before. Open your eyes wide to the beauty that is right where you are. Be curious. Ask questions. Never stop living in awe of the miracle that is life. Watch the sunset and notice all the colors in all the clouds. Breathe. Breathe deeply till you can't take in any more and then sigh. Let it go. Let it all go. Laugh. Laugh til your sides ache and your cheeks are numb. Be grateful. Savor your food and a nice glass of wine. Appreciate the refreshing sensation of water on your tongue. Travel to new places, try new foods, listen to other languages. You don't have to have a ton of money to hop in the car and just go. Do it. Flip a coin and go. Hug your loved ones, and hold them a second longer this time. Breathe in your children's scent. Look them in the eye. Be present. Love your lover. Kiss tenderly. Hold hands. Cuddle. Or buy them a gift. Learn their love language and love them well.

My husband had a scary experience this week when he fell into freezing cold water at the nearby lake. He is fine; everything is fine, but it shifted something inside me. Life is too short to live in sadness. I'm tired of wasted moments. Life is beautiful and magical and needs to be celebrated more.

Sending light and love from me to you.

Now, go, let the flirting begin. Good vibes are headed your way!


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