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Beautiful Mess | Update

We are still (as Matt calls it) basement people. A process I was only imagining to take a week is going on three weeks probably looking at four before we can finally move everything back into it's place.

Ashton (our Persian fur babe) will be glad to have his space back, he's currently plotting a way to escape this basement. For some reason when we moved into the house Ashton discovered a way to climb into the main vent in the living room. He'll go down into that vent to climb through the ducts. So nerve racking for us hoping he won't get stuck down there, but shake a jar of treats at him and he'll come right out. This morning (Thursday) I heard something banging around upstairs, flew out of bed, ran up the stairs only to find him sitting in the kitchen staring right at the basement door, with a definite smug look on his face! Look to my left to see little tiny paw prints going straight to the vent! We are having a hard time keeping him contained. I'm just glad he didn't get stuck in that poly. (Ha!)

On my side, this situation is making me realize how a cluttered space, is a cluttered mind. Which is why I'm planning on taking Stacie's advice on "does it bring me joy?" when we start to get everything organized again. I need to thoroughly sort our items and decide which ones are just taking up space.

But as for our floors...they are so close to being done!! The image above is from Sunday night 24 hours after the first coat of stain went on. It went on darker than we thought, so we decided not to do another coat.

Currently the 3rd coat of polyurethane is on drying. Friday morning they will receive the final coat. I'm head over heels in love with them!

Don't mind the terrible trim, it needs work. We removed the quarter rounds since they were in terrible shape from the carpet. That is on our list to complete before we move furniture back in. So close, yet so much yet to do!

It'll be worth it once it's complete!

Anyone else have any home improvement projects that went longer than planned? :)


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