I Missed Family Dinner Last Night
Last night I stole away for a few hours to get in a yoga class and hang out at the studio chatting with friends about plans for the future. It was glorious. It was exactly what I needed after being sick earlier in the week and then a rough day at work yesterday. BUT I missed eating dinner with my family, and that really bothered me. I love our time to sit down together and discuss the day's events. I love hearing the kids funny stories about school and their after school program. I love when the kids ask my husband and me how our day went. When they do this I feel like we're on the right track of teaching them how to have conversations and how to care about someone other than themselves. We do a devotion some nights. Other nights we talk history, weather or politics in a way the kids will understand. It is hands-down my favorite part of the day, but last night I wasn't there. I didn't get to hear the stories or conversations, but guess what? Everyone survived! When I got home, my daughter was reading in her room and my son was watching basketball with my husband in our room. I still got to hear about their days. My daughter got to show me a gymnastics move she mastered at recess. I got to give my son all the good night kisses. We give about 5 different kinds of kisses and run through multiple versions of "don't let the (fill in the blank) bite." I'm pretty sure it's his way of stalling, but I don't mind a few extra minutes with him before it's off to dreamland. Supper was waiting for me on the stove which I ate in silence as I watched an episode of Nashville. Then it was off to bed for me to hang out with my husband. Successful night, even if I did miss family dinner. It's hard to carve out time for myself when there is so much for me to do at home and so many people that depend on me. I just have to remind myself I have a very able and capable husband who I am eternally grateful for. He is able to cook a meal and clean up afterwards. He knows whose turn it is for bath night. He probably keeps better track than I do! I'm always forgetting whose turn it is or when they even bathed last! Kidding...sort of! I am constantly reminding myself that I am not in this alone. I have a wonderful, equal partner. We are a household of 2 working parents. It's not always a perfect set up, but we make it work. We work as a team and we each take time for ourselves which is so important. So as much as I hated to miss family dinner last night (it wasn't the first time and it won't be the last), I'm thankful that I am able to have time to do the things I love. I love the saying that goes "Fill up to pour out." I want to be the best mom and wife that I can absolutely be, and in order for me to do that I need to fill up on the things that make me feel alive. In turn, I pour out love and support to my family. I hope you take time for yourself today. The laundry can wait, the dusting can wait, the kids will be fine. Go, do something, just for you! I love you all and I appreciate your support and your readership!