Communicating with Energy
We all know and understand how important communication is in each aspect of our life. It's key in our relationships with loved ones, friends, and in the work place. And sometimes it's good to to be refreshed on the way we relate to each other.
I was watching a snapchat takeover recently from Christal Fuentes, who is The Ladies Coach, and a Relationship Coach for woman. [I'll link her information below, along with the video so you can watch for yourself.] She was speaking about the way masculine and feminine energies communicate with each other, whether it be your husband, significant other, or friend.
I was drawn to what she was saying, and it made me think about the way Matt and I communicate in our relationship. She helped me realize a few points that I wanted to share, because I thought they were important in any relationship. [But please, check her out when you get a chance, and listen to it for yourself.]
First off she noted that feminine energy usually communicates verbally to build relationships, and woman on an average speak 6,000 to 8,000 words a day! Wow! And the masculine energy communicates directly to give or receive useful information to help solve a problem, and men speak on an average of 2,000 to 4,000 words a day. Big drop from the ladies! So when you're trying to share about your day with your partner and they want to help "solve" the problem even though you only want to talk about it, that can be frustrating. So instead of being frustrated with them, I can understand where they are coming from with their communication style. This is also why having a few girlfriends, or friends with the similar energy is healthy for everyone and their personal growth.
When we don't understand each other's energies and styles then there is a break in the communication, and when there is a break in the communication each partner can feel distance. Christal points out that when we feel distance we can often make up stories in our head and start to make up beliefs about the relationship, which creates more problems.
If you're at a point and starting to get frustrated, it helps to step back and realize the "double A's." Affirm is to provide emotional support and encouragement and appreciate is knowing the full worth of your partner. So in what ways can we affirm each other, how can we encourage that new way of communicating after we understand our energies. Opening up and using the right opportunities to discuss the things that we want in our relationship. Shifting the way we see each other and the way that we understand each other helps us to open up and receive things differently.
She helped me to become more self aware of the way I communicate with girlfriends and my family. It's also helped me take a step back and focus on the way that Matt and I connect. Everyday asking, how can I help affirm him, while appreciating the way he is, and what he brings to our relationship.
What things help your relationship stay strong? In what ways do you communicate with your partner the best?
The Ladies Coach Video::
The Ladies Coach Instagram::