Dreaming Ahead
With the excitement of the new year, the publishing of this blog, and all the wonderful opportunities that are to come, I am beyond excited.
2016 was an awesome year! Matt, my boyfriend, and I moved into our own home, which we did some work to and so far are very proud of ourselves. New opportunities presented themselves at work. A few close friends had babies, and it's fun to watch them become moms. I turned 28, which I have decided to take my 28th year and dominate! (more about that later).
Matt and I, along with a couple of friends went hiking and camping in MN and it was a beautiful experience.
Dreaming ahead to 2017, we are going to continue to grow this blog, the friendship with my sister will be the best thing to come of this adventure. I want to read more books that challenge my mind. I want to explore new places, and of course spend more time with the ones that mean the most to me.
Cheers to 2016 and here's to '17!