Be Intentional
This weekend I “escaped” to my sister’s house. You guessed it we’re still working on the finishing touches of our house, which means we are still shoved in every available living space. On the bright side though, the floors can handle light traffic and we can walk to our main bathroom!
I love visiting my sister, her husband and their two kids! There is always plenty of entertainment and lots of laughter. This weekend we were running around picking the kids up from different places they were at, and we were able to sneak in some girl talk. The conversation fell on the pattern that we find ourselves in. We’ll start to feel really good for a while because we are doing things: eating, exercising, or journaling consistently that makes us happy. But then somehow we get bumped down, to where we go long periods of time without doing the things we love. If we know what makes us feel good, why can’t we continue to do them each day?
I’ve been thinking a lot about this the last couple of days. Being consistent with my actions in order to help me be the best version of me…
This week I want to be intentional with each day. I am going to set goals, and each night I’ll write a little recap about the way I’m feeling. I’m hoping this will help keep those feelings top of mind which will be a good reminder that when, for example, when I'm productive at home, I feel accomplished!
Be intentional about food choices and no candy/sugar! (Even those little chocolates at work, they add up! …stay away)
Walk four times for 45mins. (In the morning would be nice, but let's not set myself up for failure.)
Read for 30 minutes, three days.
Be intentional about time at home.
Limit phone use
Complete daily chores to maintain tidy space (I need to make my own chore chart? See S's previous post about Routine)
Getting to bed at a decent time.
Looking forward to the week ahead!
I’d love to hear what helps keep everyone else on track?