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Does It Bring Me Joy?

A simple question asked over and over again as I go through drawer upon drawer in my bedroom. This is step one of my plan. I am downsizing so that I can live more lightly. Live lightly. Just saying it creates a sense of lightness on my heart. I refuse to be held down or overwhelmed by STUFF. So much STUFF. And what for? To say I have it; to say that I have made it because I can buy the best x, y, z? Mindless consumption. And I'm done with it.

I have been attracted to this idea for a few months now. I was in a vicious cycle of buying and collecting only to get the items home and be overwhelmed with where to put the new stuff and what to do with the old stuff. And never being satisfied. Sound familiar to anyone out there?

I'm currently watching the documentary "Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things." I love the idea of having as little as possible. I want to take their inspiration and their blueprint and apply it to our life. Getting my family on board may be the hardest part! Anyone who has kids can probably relate: so many toys, so many gadgets, so many cords! Cords are the bane of my existence! But when I really get down to it and look at what makes my kids happy, it's not their stuff, it's adventure and spending time together as a family. With less stuff and saving money by not buying the stuff, we can travel more. We can spend more time together because we'll be spending less time organizing the stuff.

Getting down to business: Starting is the hardest part, but I need to pick a spot and GO! We got a new bedroom set for our anniversary and Christmas, so as I put all my drawers back together, I looked at every single item and if it's not useful or it doesn't bring joy, I'm donating it. So far I have a huge box of clothes to donate. My next step is my closet. My biggest challenge is going to be getting rid of shoes and books. I love most of my shoes, but they aren't all practical. I need to keep the end goal in mind. Less stuff, more joy. My mantra is "I have all that I need." Because I really do. I have a cute, little house that we have fixed up and is full of love. I have a husband that makes me laugh, is my best friend, supports me no matter what and is the best partner I could have ever asked for. I have 2 kids that are kind and curious and funny and ornery. We have vehicles that get us to and from the places that we go which includes good jobs that pay us well for our time. We have supportive parents, siblings that are our best friends, a niece and nephews that make us laugh and bring us so much joy. Friends and cousins and so much love surrounding us at all times. This is what is important in life. THIS IS ALL THAT I NEED. The STUFF is never going to fulfill us. The sooner we realize this, the better. I mean, seriously, who needs drawers upon drawers full of hair and body care products?! I used to envy people who had this because I thought it meant they had more money than me. I understand now that it doesn't mean anything. Now I am the person with a stockpile of half-used lotion and am I happier? No.

I will write more as I get more into my process of downsizing and decluttering. And reducing consumerism's hold on my life. Buying responsibly and intentionally. And all of this goes back to my 2017 goal of living intentionally. A bigger life with less!


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